We've been able to develop the Greenkeeper Pro as a long-handled tool because it utilises our unique and patented RepairTec™ system. Engineered, steel prongs with sculpted heads which enter the turf surface vertically and recover the compacted soil with a single motion. This vertical motion allows the user to repair standing up, with no need to 'lever' the turf to repair effectively.

At 105cm long, the Greenkeeper Pro removes the need to bend over to repair ballmarks, making it quicker and easier to repair multiple marks - freeing up valuable time for green-keeping teams.

To ensure the best possible results for greenkeeping teams operating in Links and sandy soil conditions we have developed a specialist version of our tool especially for you - follow the link to find out more.

Pitchfix’s professional product for the greenkeepers and course marshals. Based on the award winning RepairTec™ pin technology greenkeepers and course marshals can repair left over pitchmarks and brown spots in a matter of seconds. Perfect repairs and spot aeration without having to bend over. The tool not only repairs the pitchmark or brown spot but the spring mechanism in the head of the tool also pushes down the ground while retracting the pins and the affected area is aerated simultaneously.
The Greenkeeper Pro comes as a set with 2 models for all-given circumstances to give you the perfect tool for both dry and firm greens as well as for wet and soft greens. Additionally we have developed the Links edition for use on sandy / Links style course conditions. The Greenkeeper Pro can also be installed green-side so your private members always have the best repair tool at hand.

Tough, steel construction

Unique, long-handled design

Patented, RepairTec™ mechanism

3 models for different course conditions
Get a quote
Our team are experienced in helping clubs, businesses and agencies to select the best solution from our range. To get a quote and organise a concept visual of your branded tool get in touch and we'll be in touch as soon as we can!